Microsoft Dynamics AX e Team Foundation Server
Brian Harry acabou de anunciar: o recém-lançado Dynamics AX 2009 agora oferece integração com o controle de versão do TFS!
Less than a month ago, __Dynamics AX 2009 was released_. This new version enables Dynamics developers to store their source code and have an integrated experience for checkout, check in, get and history - the basic version control operations in TFS. I’m excited about this because I get the question fairly often and people are always surprised when I tell them we don’t have a solution. Now I don’t have to disappoint any longer._
Para saber como configurar o AX para armazenar o código-fonte no TFS, veja a documentação disponível em
18/06/2008 | Por Igor Abade V. Leite | Em Técnico | Tempo de leitura: 1 min.